Velikonoční jízda po Českém ráji
Other title(s): Easter Trip Trough Český ráj (the Czech Paradise)
Genre: Documentary film
Year: 1925c
Runtime: 11:43 min:sec
Description: The motorcycle ride through Český ráj (the Czech Paradise) started in the village of Michalovice near the town of Mladá Boleslav. Following a tour of the local castle ruins the trip participants left for the Trosky Castle. The route was leading through a demanding terrain, on back roads and forest tracks. Arrival at the courtyard and a view of the neighbouring countryside from an observatory tower. After small refreshment the trip participants set off for another part of the demanding ride of motorcycles with sidecars in the rocky terrain and they headed for the Valečov Castle. Then they stopped for a while in the vicinity of Valečov in order to see the Drábské světničky (rocky dwellings) once inhabited by people in the past. These dwellings are a part of the natural rock formation called Mužské skály (the Men's Rocks). On their way the motorcycle trip participants also met with a Scout group. They could watch the Scouts preparing food, their lining up and taking oath by new Scout members.
Keywords: propagační / dokument / zřícenina / motocykl Indian logo / hrad / motocykl se sajdkárou / Skauti / jízda motocyklů lesem / Skauti přísaha / jízda motocyklů ve skalách / ruins / castle / Indian motorcycle logo / Scouts / Scout oath / motorcycle with a sidecar / motorcycle ride in the woods / motorcycle ride in the rocks
Provider: Národní filmový archiv
Rights: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
Production company: Indian Film
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Document type:
Collection: Český dokumentární film
Language: de